- Only non-at-risk customers and by appointment only.
- Sanitizing gel and information posters posted on site and clearly visible.
- Respect for the safety distance and max 1 person in the waiting room.
- Mandatory use of disposable masks and gloves.
- Disinfect/sterilize all equipment after use and preferably use disposable materials .
- Use protective glasses or plexiglass visors .
- Ensure cleaning and sanitization of the premises according to the regulations.
- Staff training on anti-covid-19 regulations.
- Use of disposable overshoes, gowns and towels.
- Sanitization of beds and cabins after each treatment.
- Sterilization of tools and packaging of the same.
- Schedule appointments for one customer at a time (or one per operator) calculating the technical times well, so as not to create waits, also to have sufficient time to restore and clean the workstations;
- Provide dispensers of hand sanitizing solutions or wipes at the entrance;
- Make masks, gloves and any hygiene bags available to the customer to store their accessories and clothing (or alternatively, a washable surface in the cabin which must subsequently be sanitized);
- Have the cash register and accounting operations managed by personnel equipped with PPE.
- Disinfect the keyboard and POS devices and payment cards with products such as impredis soft handkerchief after each use
- Disinfect every handle and seat and every surface in the waiting room that the customer has come into contact with.
- Ensure that customers do not touch anything during their stay, including door handles, surfaces, objects, etc.
- coffee tables; cushions; magazines;
- useless chairs (if it is not possible to remove them and tape them and leave only 2 free);
- drawing albums and games for children;
- any other object that may cause promiscuity that cannot be sanitized.
- Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with disinfectant gel such as igien-x after touching potentially infected objects and surfaces and between one customer and another;
- Preferably use disposable materials and accessories;
- If possible, use (in line with the provisions of the March 14 protocol) nitrile gloves and surgical masks ;
- If the type of treatment does not allow the customer to wear a surgical mask and the distance between the operator and the customer is necessarily close, use the FFP2 mask without a filter;
- Use alternate stations to maintain a safe distance between customers;
- Before using sterilization products such as pharmasteril , carefully read the instructions and respect the recommended dosages on the packaging (see danger symbols on the labels);
- Do not mix cleaning products, especially those containing bleach or ammonia, with other products;
- Clean workstations after each service using disinfectant products;
- Clean common areas such as changing rooms and toilets daily, using products such as pharma trade medical spray
- Clean common surfaces daily, i.e. those used by multiple people (including keyboards, handles and handrails), using products such as impredis soft handkerchief
- Ensure good air exchange in all environments;
- Adequately maintain any aeration/ventilation and humidity systems;
- Place closed waste containers in the room.
Read the in-depth information on how to sterilize and sanitize the equipment and environment of the beauty center
- Clean accessories and work equipment after each service using products such as pharmasteril
- Wear a work uniform and sanitize it properly at the end of the day.
- Remove, with gloves , films, paper and anything else used for the treatment, disinfect the surfaces of the equipment and instruments, the bed, the stools and every surface of the worktops with products such as pharmasteril
- Sanitize your glasses and/or visors ;
- Dispose of disposable material appropriately;
- Ventilate the cabin as much as possible naturally by opening the windows, or mechanically, before letting the next customer enter.
In this emergency phase and until new provisions, in order to avoid gatherings of people, flexibility in working hours is foreseen as follows:
- scheduled time from 8am to 9.30pm;
- possibility of carrying out the work even on holidays;
- ability to organize work with the shift system.
A calendar is provided for the staggered entry/exit times of employees in order to avoid, as far as possible, gatherings on public transport and when entering/exiting the operational headquarters.
Product orders through representatives or sellers are placed by telephone, email or other devices .
If this is not possible, it must take place outside working hours and with the use of disposable gloves, a mask and
interpersonal distance of two meters between representative and beautician and at the end of the visit all surfaces that came into contact with the representative must be disinfected.
Couriers cannot access company premises. Before delivering correspondence, packages or anything else necessary for the business alone, the owner or employee of the beauty center must be informed in advance of their arrival if possible.
Deliveries are left outside, near the entrance, after informing (via the intercom, or even verbally, after ringing the bell) about the delivery item.
Also the exchange of documentation of the delivered goods
(bills, invoices, etc.) must be done through the use of disposable gloves (if not available, wash your hands with sanitizing gel such as igien-x
If a signature confirming delivery is required (e.g
example: registered mail, parcels, etc.), this could be
placed by a person in charge who, always observing the distance
minimum interpersonal distance of 1 m, will go outside.
Before the entry into force of this act, the trade associations undertake, in the presence of a regional manager and a public health manager, to simulate the opening of the business at one or more beauty centers using the procedures set out in the protocol, with the help of the staff of the same center.
If the simulation proves negative, the entry into force of these provisions will be suspended until a standard procedure with a positive outcome is obtained , providing for a further series of simulations throughout a working week.
The Health Surveillance of the centers must continue respecting the hygiene measures contained in the indications of the Ministry of Health.
The competent doctor must report to the company situations of particular fragility and current or previous pathologies of employees for appropriate measures. In this period, preventive visits, visits on request and visits after returning from illness must be given priority.
Periodic health surveillance must not be interrupted: the consultancy report from the Competent Doctor must be used constantly (even electronically) because it represents a further general prevention measure , and because it can help to intercept possible cases and suspicious symptoms of the contagion, both for the information and training that the Competent Doctor can provide to workers to avoid the spread of contagion.
The associations carry out an advertising campaign through traditional media outlets or via social networks to inform potential customers about the measures adopted by hairdressing, beauty and wellness center companies, in order to guarantee health and avoid the spread of the coronavirus.
The trade associations hope that checks will be carried out in order to prevent and direct companies to correctly apply the measures provided for by the protocol.
The same associations are committed to organizing specific training courses for entrepreneurs in the sector. The company informs all workers and guests of the center (suppliers and customers) about the authorities' provisions, delivering and/or posting specific information leaflets at the entrance.
In particular, the information concerns:
- The obligation to stay at home in the presence of fever (over 37.5°) or other flu symptoms and to call your family doctor and the health authority;
- The body temperature control procedure that staff must undergo before accessing the workplace;
- The commitment of employees and collaborators to respect all the provisions of the Authorities and the employer when accessing the company.
The trade associations, the trade unions, the consumer associations, the ANCI and the Marche region in agreement prepare, in compliance with the provisions of the law, information models to be hung in the centers and to be advertised, valid for the entire Marche region and specifically :
- information for access to the centre;
- rules to be adopted in the waiting room and before accessing the centre's premises;
- hand washing mode;
- dressing/undressing procedure