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Seborrheic oily skin: definition, useful products and remedies

You will often have wondered what that strange shiny layer that appears on the
surface of our skin in some particular periods or on a recurring basis. This is a very common condition known as seborrheic oily skin .

Usually to resolve a problem, as a rule (also valid for the skin), we start by knowing our 'enemy' well and then defeating it in the most correct way. Unfortunately in the skin-care routine there is no universal solution, but rather a targeted and personal strategy that also requires research.

We said: know the problem. Here is our guide to limit sebaceous secretion and eliminate oily skin!

What is seborrheic oily skin and why does it form?

This expression refers to a blemish caused by excessive production of sebum by the sebaceous glands, a process that in aesthetics we have always tried to counteract because it visibly worsens the appearance of the skin and because it leads to the formation of acne and dermatitis . seborrheic .

This excessive production of sebum creates a hydrolipidic film in greater quantities, hindering the skin's transpiration. This means that all skin types produce this layer of sebum, but in some cases its thickness will be greater than others.

Excess sebum: flowing or stagnant?

In these cases the skin may appear:

  • with flowing sebum , with dilated follicles, shiny and greasy to the touch.
  • to stagnant sebum , remaining on the surface, thus occluding the pilosebaceous follicles (pores). In these cases it is also called asphyxiated or comedonic skin.

As we said previously, oily skin is easily recognizable by this shiny and greasy appearance caused by excess sebum, but also by the presence of follicles and dilated pores which characterize the so-called "orange peel" appearance, which is not very pleasant from the point of view. from an aesthetic point of view and also annoying to the touch.

What are the most common causes?

The possible causes that trigger the generation of seborrheic skin are multiple and very different from each other:

  • genetics
  • hormonal effects linked to the excessive production of androgen hormones
  • causes of an exogenous nature taking certain types of drugs
  • psychological factors that cause seborrhea on a nervous basis
  • dietary factors linked to the intake of slowly digestible foods
  • other external factors such as, for example, incorrect treatments at a topical level

Among the possible and most widespread consequences of oily skin we find the formation of the famous acne , which is an inflammatory 'disease' of the pilo-sebaceous follicle due to various factors, which are in turn variable and individual for each of us.

However, there are periods in our lives when having an acne tendency is more common . In fact, we know that skin often changes throughout life. However, it is during puberty that it gives its best, becoming thicker, shiny and with the first imperfections which, depending on the severity, can even persist until a more adult age.

Let's not forget that this problem could continue over time, thus taking the name of "late acne".

Some positive sides of oily seborrheic skin

Although oily skin is generally seen as a negative thing, it is still possible to find some positive sides for those who suffer from it.

This type of skin, for example, will always be much more hydrated than others and experts underline that the effects are very noticeable as we age, since dehydration wrinkles will be much less visible . Therefore the senescent skin of a former acneic and oily skin will be recognizable by a smaller quantity of wrinkles and by its greater firmness, with fewer 'folds' and a more turgid appearance.

Remedies and solutions for oily skin

At this point, I would like to talk to you about the possible remedies , which, I repeat, due to the subjectivity of the condition will not necessarily be the solution for everyone, but which at least can provide you with advice on what to do and what NOT to do to treat this blemish.

From a cosmetic point of view, oily skin requires balancing hygienic treatments and the use of products that help reduce secretions with consequent regularization of the flow of sebum.

It should then definitely be cleansed delicately . Furthermore, it is important to carry out periodic and not too aggressive exfoliation , especially in the case of acne in the inflammatory stage. The skin must always be protected from the sun with sunscreen, especially in this last specific case, to prevent the formation of future scars or blemishes.

But another fundamental aspect concerns the choice of products to use, not only to treat the condition. Therefore, please pay particular attention to choosing the right cosmetic !

Our products designed to fight oily skin

DIRO products offer us a complete range of treatments for cleansing the oiliest/impure skin called PURE SKIN , which includes:

What NOT to do in your skin-care routine

Now, having known the essential cleansing products by DIRO, we understand the mistakes NOT to be made in our skin-care routine:

  • apply products in a completely random order on the face
  • use excessively aggressive detergents
  • thinking that our skin may lack hydration when we choose to treat it like oily skin, therefore preferring lighter water-based creams or serums.
  • go to bed without removing make-up. A This is a mistake that should not be made in general, but which creates even more damage in oily skin. It can happen to everyone that they don't have the time or desire to remove makeup from their face but we try not to do it.

I hope I have provided you with the basic indications to be able to treat this blemish. With the right skin-care products and the right attention you will certainly be able to minimize the problem and contain the visible damage that oily skin could cause in the future.

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